Citizen Charter
The Commissionerate of Labour, Assam was established in the year 1939. As a part of its ongoing commitment to empower the citizens and the quality of service provided, a Client’s / Citizen’s Charter is prepared for the Commissionerate of Labour, Assam. The document emphasises moving away from the bureaucratic process to citizen oriented – focused outcomes. It also targets “Service Recovery” by initiating steps to restore the trust and confidence of the citizens in a proactive manner. It is expected that the citizens will be able to avail different types of services rendered by the Commissionerate within a standard time frame and in a transparent and accountable manner.
To promote a labour market which is conducive to investment, decent work positive industrial relations and overall economic growth of the State.
To maintain welfare of the labour force with harmonious industrial relations to achieve a sustainable economy through:
- Appropriate legislation and regulations
- Inspection, compliance monitoring and enforcement
- Social and income protection
- Social dialogue
The main objectives are:
- To ensure welfare of labourers
- To oversee improvement of conditions of labour -
- To mediate in industrial complaints/disputes and ensure industrial peace.
- To ensure welfare amenities to all sections of workers in organized and unorganized sectors through enforcement of various labour laws.
- To provide relief and due benefits to labourers through provisions of law.
- To eradicate child labour from the State of Assam.
- To generate revenue for the state through registration / licensing and periodic renewal thereof under different labour laws.
Business transacted by the Commissionerate
- Maintenance of industrial peace through settlement of industrial disputes and complaints.
- Registration of Trade Unions.
- Certification of Standing Orders (Conditions of service for the workers).
- Efficient collection and utilization of cess for the benefit of construction workers as well as providing of justice and social security to all sections of workers including unorganized workers
Our commitments to Clients
- Speedy and timely redressal of grievances of workers alike and employers;
- Improve effectiveness of the conciliation machinery to resolve disputes;
- Transparency in functioning of the Commissionerate of Labour by implementing digitization and subsequent seamless online public delivery of the services.
List of Stakeholders / Clients
- Workers and their families;
- Trade unions/ Association of employees;
- Employers;
- Management Associations;
- Contractors
- Employees / ex-employees
- Central/ State Government Departments/ statutory Boards
Services being provided by the Commissionerate to its Clients
The department provides the following services to its clients:
- Holds conciliation proceedings for amicable settlement of industrial disputes
- Issue registration certificate / licenses and renewal thereof under various labour laws
- Certifies Standing Orders under Industrial Establishment Standing Orders Act 1946
- Decides Appeals under different labour laws
- Implementation of welfare schemes for industrial, construction workers and unorganised workers;
- Redressal of complaints of workers/ Trade Unions.
- Medical Reimbursement of departmental employees.
- No objection certificate for applying Indian Passport of departmental employees.
- Pension/Family Pension of departmental employees.
Acts and Rules being implemented by the Commissionerate
The Commissionerate implements the following Central and State Labour Laws:-
- The Payment of Wages Act, 1936 and the state rules made there under as amended from time to time.
- The Minimum Wages Act, 1948 and the state rules made there under as amended from time to time.
- The Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act, 1970 and state rules made there under as amended from time to time.
- The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 and state rules made there under as amended from time to time.
- The Payment of Bonus Act, 1965 and state rules made there under as amended from time to time.
- The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 and state rules made there under as amended from time to time.
- The Equal Remuneration Act, 1976 and state rules made there under as amended from time to time.
- Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1976 and regulation made there under as amended from time to time.
- The Assam Shops and Establishment Act, 1971 and state rules made there under as amended from time to time.
- The Building and Other Construction (RE&CS) Act, 1996 and state rules made there under as amended from time to time.
- The Interstate Migrant Workers (RE &CS) Act, 1979 and state rules made there under as amended from time to time.
- The Child Labour (Prohibition & Regulation) Act,1986 and state rules made there under as amended from time to time
- The Plantations Labour Act,1951 and state rules made there under as amended from time to time
- The Sales Promotion Employees Act, 1976 and state rules made there under as amended from time to time.
- The Beedi & Cigar Workers (Regulation of Employment and Condition of Service) Act, 1979 and state rules made there under as amended from time to time.
- The Motor Transport Workers Act, 1961and and state rules made there under as amended from time to time.
- The Bonded Labour System (Abolition) Act, 1976 and state rules made there under as amended from time to time.
Expectations from clients
- The subject matter of grievances should be clearly indicated with all relevant details
- To submit application form completed in all respects with necessary documents along with communication address and phone number
- To keep proper records of the letters and communication with the Commissionerate
- To check the website regularly for updates

Public Grievances in the form of Complaints / Disputes / Claims can be lodged / filed either in the Office of the Labour Commissioner, Assam or in the Office of the Assistant Labour Commissioners / Office of the Labour Officers (Independent) / Office of the Labour Inspectors (Independent)under which the workplace of the aggrieved worker/employee is located.
Time period of disposal
According to the Service Standard defined in the Client / Citizen Charter of the Commissionerate.
Important Check list for Complainant
- Name and address of the ‘Complainant’ including Contact No.
- Name and address of the opposite party / accused including Contact No.
- Details of the complain / claims / disputes.
- Prescribed Performa to be filled up for claims under Payment of Wages Act, 1936 / Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 / The Minimum Wages Act, 1948 / The Equal Remuneration Act, 1976 / The Employees Compensation Act, 1923 / The Maternity Benefits Act, 1961 / The Working Journalist & Other Newspapers Employees (C.S) & Misc. Provisions Act, 1955 etc.
- Any other relevant supporting documents to be enclosed.