Registration of Establishment engaging Construction Workers

Last Updated on: April 30, 2024


An Act to regulate the employment and conditions of service of building and other construction workers and to provide for their safety, health and welfare measures and for other matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.

Registration of establishments - (l) Every employer shall

a. In relation to an establishment to which this Act applies on its commencement within a period of sixty days from such commencement; and
b. In relation to any other establishment to which this Act may be applicable at any time after such commencement within a period of sixty days from the date on which this Act becomes applicable to such establishment, make an application in the EODB Portal.


Eligibility Criteria:

Any entrepreneur/applicant who engages building and other constructions workers in the establishment.


Guidelines for Filing up the form


Fee including the payment mode

Rule 27 Fees
: The Fees to be paid for the grant of a certificate of registration under Rule 24 shall be as specified below namely–

If the number of workers proposed to be employed as building workers for a building or other construction work on one day–

a. Is upto 100 Rs.100.00
b. Exceed 100 but does not exceed 500 Rs.500.00
c. Exceed 500 Rs.1000.00

Mode of Payment: Online Payment through EODB Portal


Service Outcome

Certificate of Registration of Establishments under Section 7 of the Building and Other Construction Workers (R.E. & C.S.) Act, 1996 [Rule 23 (1)] framed there under.

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