Process of Registration

Last Updated on: February 27, 2024

Eligibility for Registration as Beneficiaries

Every building & construction worker who is an Indian Citizen and permanently resides in the State and who has completed 18 (eighteen) years of age; but has not completed 55 years of age i.e. within 18 to 55 years of age and who has been engaged in any building & other construction work for not less than 90 days during a year or immediately preceding a year and who is not a member in any other Welfare Fund established under any Law shall be eligible for registration as beneficiaries under this Act & Rules framed thereunder.


Application for Registration of beneficiaries

Every eligible building & other construction workers shall be submitted an application in Prescribed Form Number XXVI alongwith a Nomination Form Number XXVII as prescribed under Sub rule (4) & (7) of rule 269 of the Building & Other Construction Workers (RE&CS), Assam Rules, 2007 respectively and other necessary documents in support of his/her eligibility for registration as beneficiaries under the Act. Now Registration is done online through official website [Click here for Online Application Form].


Required documents for Registration

At least one certificate form each of the following groups should be accompanied with the application to prove the eligibility & genuine for registration of the applicant.


Group 'A': Nationality Proof


  1. Certified copy of the NRC.
  2. Copy of the Valid Pass Port.
  3. Certified Copy of the Voter list.
  4. Land Document with recently Rent paid Receipt.
  5. In case of indigenous people a certificate from the Gaon Burah of the concerned village and from the president/Secretary of the concerned village Panchayat stating details in that respect.



Group 'B' Permanent residential Proof


  1. Certified Copy of the P.R.C. issued by the appropriate Authority.
  2. Certificate from the Gaon Burah of concerned village.
  3. Certificate from the president/Secretary of the concerned village Panchayat.



Group "C" Age Proof


  1. Birth Certificate.
  2. School Certificate.
  3. In absence of the above certificate a certificate from the Medical Officer not below the rank of Assistant Surgeon in Government Service.



Group “D”: Qualifying working period

Certificate from the individual employer/contractor/establishment.

In absence of the above certificate a certificate from a Registered Construction Workers' Union of the concerned area or from the Assistant Labour Commissioner of the concerned area or from the Executive Officer of Panchayat of concerned area.


Group "E": In case of living in a rented house

Certificate from the house owner with a copy of the Electricity Bill.


Group "F" In case of residing within the Tea Garden area

Workers belongs to any community resided within a Tea Garden area a Non Employment Certificate from the Authority of such Garden shall be submitted.


(2) Photograph of Applicant & Nominees

Every applicant shall be instructed to submit 4 copies of his/her recent Pass Port Size Photograph and 2 copies of his/her declared nominees recent Pass Port Size Photographs alongwith his/her application

One Photograph of the applicant shall be affixed on the Application Form. One shall be affixed in the Identity Card issued, one copy shall be kept with the particulars of the applicant concerned in the "Registered of Identity Card" another copy shall be affixed with a particulars of beneficiary concerned in the "Register of Membership Contribution and Other Particulars"

One Photograph of the nominees shall be affixed on the Nomination Form submitted by the applicant another copy shall be kept with the nominees particulars noted against the registered beneficiaries in the relevant page of the “Register of Membership Contribution and Other Particulars”.

All particulars in the application Form shall be furnished truly & correctly furnished particular cannot be changed in any occasion after registration except the changing of nominee if required.


Issue of Registration Identity Card & Keeping of records thereof

Every qualified applicant worker who deposited the requisite Registration Fee & 3(three) months Membership contribution in advance shall be registered as beneficiary by issue a Registration Identity Card in Form Number. XXXI as prescribed under Rule 269(8) of the Building & Other Construction Worker (RE&CS) Assam Rules 2007 quoting the Registration Number. Identity Card Number. in serial order.

The Registration Number shall be allotted to every registered beneficiary in unique as stated in the “LIST OF DISTRICT WISE UNIQUE NUMBER OF REGISTRATION” in Annexure- A attached hereto.

The locality where the Registration Office is situated shall be mentioned at the relevant space of the 1st Part of the Identity Card issued.

The Identity Card Number shall be quoted at relevant space on the 1st Part of the Identity Card as only the District & Locality Alphabetically Code with the serial Number of Registration allotted.

Office Seal of the Registering Officer shall be put on the bottom corner of the affixed photograph of the beneficiary at the relevant space of the 1st Part of the Identity Card.

The Particulars of issued Identity Card shall be recorded in the “Register of Identity Card” serially in District wise in the prescribed Form No XXXII as Annexure ‘F’. At least 5(five) workers’ particulars shall be recorded in every pages of the Register.

The locality where the Registration Office is situated shall be mentioned at the relevant space of the 1st Part of the Identity Card issued.

As the Act & Rule are silent in respect of issue of Duplicate copy of the Identity Card if required, the Board has decided that in case of lost/destroyed the Identity Card a duplicate copy of such card may issue to the beneficiary concerned on payment of Rs. 50/-(Rupees Fifty) only along with the application for the purpose. The destroyed copy shall be submitted along with the application. The Duplicate Fees so received through Money Receipt shall be credited in to the Boards Administrative A/C No. 30813858906. Issue of Duplicate Copy shall be recorded in the “ Register of Received Application for Duplicate Identity Card & Issue thereof” as prescribed in Annexure-K attached hereto which shall be reported to the Board Head Quarter Office.

It shall be reported to the Board Head Quarter along with the Bank Account Pay-in-Slip (Deposit Slip) of such deposit within 7(seven) days from the issue.

This Identity Card is not transferable.

If any registered beneficiaries left his job of construction works, his/her memberships shall be ceased. No Provision in the Act & Rules to refund the deposited amount of contribution to such worker.

It shall be ascertained before issue of Identity Card that the applicant workers have not applied or registered himself & get Identity Card at any other offices either in this Boards or in any other Welfare Boards.


B. Account Pay Book

One Account Pay Book of 20 pages bearing 3(three) Parts of which the 1st Part is for the member concerned 2nd Part for Boards Office & 3rd Part as Bank's Copy shall be issued to every registered beneficiaries to deposit their regular monthly contribution, defaulting fines, and any other douses etc. if and when required into the Board’s A/C Number.31312956008 which is printed on every slip of Account Pay Book at their nearest Branches of the State Bank of India as Annexure 'H'.

The beneficiaries shall be instructed to fill up the slips of A/c Pay Book and the process to deposit their regular monthly contribution of membership for 3(three) months in advance regularly and to submit the Board’s Part of Account Pay Book slip before the Registering Officer concerned within next 3 days of deposit and all other instruction noted on the cover page of Account Pay Book.

After use of all slips of the Account Pay Book an additional Account Pay Book shall be issued to the beneficiaries concerned on production of the complete used Account Pay Book with an application for the purpose.

If the Account Pay Book have lost/destroyed another Book shall be issued to the beneficiaries concerned on payment of Rs. 50/-(Rupees fifty) only on application for the purpose. The destroyed copy shall be submitted along with the application. The Duplicate Fees so received through Money Receipt shall be credited in to the Boards Administrative A/C No. 30813858906. Issue of Additional or Duplicate Copy shall be recorded in the “Register of Received Application for Additional/Duplicate Account Pay Book & Issue thereof” as prescribed in Annexure-L attached hereto which shall be reported to the Board Head Quarter within 7 (seven) days from issue of such Additional / Duplicate Account Pay Book alongwith the Book Account Pay-in-Slip (Deposit Slip) of required deposit.


Deposit of Monthly Membership Contribution

Every registered beneficiary shall have to pay his monthly membership contribution of Rs. 20/- P.M. for three months in advance regularly to retain his membership in the Welfare Fund. If any beneficiary wishes to deposit his monthly membership contribution for a year in advance he may remit the same. If a beneficiary fails to deposit his monthly membership contribution continuously for a period of 1 (one) year his membership shall be ceased and shall be deprived from any benefits under any schemes stipulated under the Building & Other Construction Workers’ (RE&CS) Assam Rules, 2007 and shall be lost his previous deposit if any.

However, he may resume his membership on payment of arrears of contribution with a fine of Rs. 2/- P.M. with an application to the Member Secretary or the concerned Registering Officer for the purpose. Such resumption shall not be allowed more than twice.


Calculation of Defaulting Fine

Suppose a person has failed to pay monthly contribution w.e.f. 1st January 2011 to 31st December, 2011 and he willing to pay his due unpaid contribution in the months of January, 2012 with requisite fine Rs. @ 2/- P.M. for this defaulting period. Then he shall be paid his unpaid monthly contribution amounting to Rs. 456/- including the requisite fine of Rs. 156/- as follows.

Quarter Month Monthly Contribution Due Fine @ Rs. 2/- P.M. Total dues with fine



January, 11 20/- 24/- 44/-
February, 11 20/- 22/- 42/-
March, 11 20/- 20/- 40/-



April, 11 20/- 18/- 38/-
May, 11 20/- 16/- 36/-
June, 11 20/- 14/- 34/-



July, 11 20/- 12/- 32/-
August, 11 20/- 10/- 30/-
September,11 20/- 8/- 28/-



October, 11 20/- 6/- 26/-
November,11 20/- 4/- 24/-
December,11 20/- 2/- 22/-



January, 12 20/- 0 20/-
February, 21 20/- 0 20/-
March, 12 20/- 0 20/-


300 156/- 456/-


Whereas the membership contribution is the monthly contribution & not quarterly contribution and whereas he failed to pay his due monthly contribution w.e.f. January, 2011 to 31st December, 20111 he shall be liable to pay fine 24/- @ Rs. 2/- P.M. for 12 month i.e. from January, 2011 to 31st December, 20111. Again from the period of month from February, 2011 to December, 2011 shall be paid of Rs. 22/-. In this way he shall be liable to pay fine upto December, 2011 at Rs. 156/- and as he will be paid his unpaid monthly contribution in the month of January 2012 for 3 (three) month in advance he shall have to pay Rs. 456/- including fine upto December, 2011. This is the calculation only for defaulting 12 month. On the increasing of defaulting months the amount of the fines will be increase at Rs. 2/-P.M. as per the above calculation.

It shall be noted that the month of registration of a beneficiary will be first month of first quarter of his registration.

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