Auto Renewal Under Inter State Migrant Workmen Act

Last Updated on: June 21, 2024


An Act to regulate the employment of Inter-State Migrant workmen and to provide for their conditions of services and for matters connected therewith.

It applies :-
To every contractor who employs or who employed five or more Inter-State migrant workmen (whether or not in addition to other workmen) on any day of the preceding twelve months.

Renewal of License:- Every application for the renewal of license under Assam Rules-14 (1) shall be made online in EODB Portal.

Eligibility Criteria:

Any entrepreneur/applicant having a valid license of a contractor issued in Form VIII can apply for auto renewal under the Act.

Guidelines for Filing up the form

Fee including the payment mode

Rule 12 (2) Fees- The fees to be paid for the grant of license under Section 7 is specified below:

If the number of migrant workmen recruited or employed by the contractor on any day……..

Table fee
(a) is 5 but does not exceed 10 20.00
(b) exceeds 10 but does not exceed 20 30.00
(c) exceeds 20 but does not exceed 50 50.00
(c) exceeds 50 but does not exceed 100 80.00
(e) exceeds 100 but does not exceed 200 150.00
(f) exceeds 200 but does not exceed 400 300.00
(g) exceeds 400 400.00

Mode of Payment: Online Payment through EODB Portal

Late Fees: If the application for renewal is not received within the time specified in sub-rule (2), a fee of 25% in excess of the fee ordinarily payable for the licence shall be payable for such renewal.

Service Outcome

Auto Renewal of license of the contractor(s) under Rule 14 of the Inter State Migrant Workmen (R.E. & C.S.) Rules, 1981

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